Submit your Stories

You can share your story with us in different ways:

  1. Post your story, in text or through a video, on Facebook under the #taskeen
  2. Ask to meet us in Karachi or over Skype to record your story, by sending an email to
    We would love to talk to you!
  3. Submit your story using the form below:


Every story is unique. There is no right or wrong. But here are some guiding questions which can help you to get started and stay focused:
1. Looking back now, where do you think your trauma (your personal trauma or your role as a caregiver) has started?
2. What kind of problems have you encountered?
3. How have you managed to overcome them?
4. What has helped you the most on your journey of recovery?
5. Is there anything you would like to share with others who go through a similar experience?

