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5 healthy ways to cope with exam stress

One of the most stressful things in the life of a student is the exam period. The anxiety and procrastination are sky high. But one of the most important things in that time period is your behavior towards your stress. This is some tricky and dangerous business. Students these days are under so much mental stress and so overwhelmed by their anxiety that they feel ending their life is better than actually going through trouble of facing it. One of the darkest points in this stressful situation is the helplessness you feel towards the entire scenario. The only way to survive this chaotic time is to keep your calm but that’s easier said than done. Let’s talk about a few ways to deal with all this stress:

• Eating healthy:The saying we are what we eat may not be true but it surely affects your stress levels. Eating and drinking healthy and relaxing food calms your nerves. Especially soothing teas calm your brain that helps you better understand your course.

• Discussion with friends:one of my main go to techniques is discussing with my fellows. We love the fact that someone else has done just as much as you have done. The fact that you can talk to them about your stress because most probably you are in similar conditions help your mind relax and maybe.

• Divert your mind: You can divert your mind by making use of many types of things that relax you. It’s okay to take some time off. Constant studying blocks your mind and at a certain time nothing gets in your brain. You feel completely blank which just adds to the stress at such a time the best thing you can do is to divert your mind by and my way of distraction is to use my phone, watch something funny read a book that you like maybe. Just divert your mind, take a deep breath and relax before you dive into studies again.

• Reduce the burden by planning:As a student I am a fan of pre planning I always feel relaxed and somewhat content knowing that I have my course work and days planned so that I can complete my course before the exam. Now I’m not saying I follow this plan to the T, but it just helps to keep my mind relax that I know what I’m doing or at least what I have to do, it helps to reduce your anxiety and also the fact that you already have everything pre planned makes the process of studying a tad bit less intimidating.

• Change of environment: Ever since I was a kid I have always taken to much tension for my exams. I felt like doing anything that’s fun or stress relieving always stimulated guilt in me. But now that I am old enough I know that to relieve your stress you need to take some measures that are absolutely imperative for the sanity of your healthy mind and in return of a healthy body. As a teenager during my exam stress I would always lock myself in a room thinking that even coming out of that room and wasting my time would be regrettable in the future but my father would always force me to go out with the family even for just an hour or two and when I would come back I always started studying with anew found strength and fervor. I could study for longer periods of time and les stressfully.

All these options certainly helped me in reducing my stress levels and I’m sure they can help a lot of other people as well. All you have to do is take moment breath and try to understand the condition of your heart and mind. The stress is completely normal your role comes in at the part where you deal with it. Maybe it’s not you that needs help but always look around and make sure none of your fellows is going through something like this. The matters of the mind are far more tricky than the heart just the pressure of studies can force people to take drastic measures. You need to know and make others aware as much that all right. Not everyone can top the class and its fine to get bad grades once in a blue moon, be your own biggest supporter rather than being an opponent to your own self.

The author Manal Bajwa is a student of biotechnology. She is striving to find opportunities that can help her make this world a better place.