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Taskeen’s Case Study in WHO’s Mosaic Toolkit: Leading Mental Health Reform

We’re thrilled to announce that Taskeen’s advocacy on suicide decriminalization, titled “Structural Change Through Decriminalization of Suicide”, has been highlighted as a case study (Case Study 11) in the Mosaic Toolkit! This toolkit, launched by the World Health Organization (WHO), is a powerful global resource designed to address stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health.

Developed over the past year and a half, the toolkit is the result of collaborative efforts from the WHO Regional Office for Europe, King’s College London, the Global Mental Health Peer Network, and experts from the WHO pan-European Mental Health Coalition. It provides practical, evidence-based strategies for advocates, organizations, and policymakers to reduce stigma and promote structural change within their communities. We are proud to be part of this global movement.

Access the toolkit here: https://www.who.int/europe/publications/i/item/9789289061384