Creative Expression

How can creative expression help to ease distress? What are different forms of creative expression?

One of the most popular ways that human beings have coped with, and continue to cope with, distress is by expressing it through creative mediums. This occurs through artistic practices like music, poetry, paintings, dance, sculptures or others. Perhaps that is why some of the greatest works of art have been created by people who have experienced mental health problems. Some examples include the prolific painter Vincent Van Gogh and the feminist writer Virginia Wolf, both of whom are thought to have lived with mental illness.

Expressing our distress creatively not only helps us channel it in a healthy manner, but also provides us with a snapshot of our state of mind at that particular point in time. During future periods of distress, revisiting that snapshot can be immensely healing by showing us that despite the angst we could produce such beauty, giving us hope and boosting our self-esteem.

It is also important to note that in order to successfully manage distress through creative expression, regular practice is required. So playing the guitar once every two months or writing a single poem may not have the same effect as regularly practicing those arts. Finding an outlet of creative expression may take time and it is normal to experiment with different ones before finding one which suits us.

So what are you waiting for? What is your creative medium of choice? Identify it and start practicing!