
How does exercise help us manage distress? What is the role of exercise in helping us stay physically, mentally and emotionally healthy?

Physical exercise is one of the most easily available forms of coping with distress. Exercise burns up the extra energy in the body and thereby reduces anxiety, improves our sleep and keeps us physically fit. It activates hormones in the body that make us feel pleasant emotions. Exercise strengthens the body and builds immunity, improving physical health and contributing to overall wellbeing.

It has been observed that physical exercise reduces the need for substance abuse. When we exercise in a natural environment it has even more benefits for our mind and emotions, and when practiced with a group of people it can improve our relationships. Additionally, when one sees and feels the results of the exercise in their body, it creates a feeling of achievement and boosts self-esteem.

So what kind of exercises are good for you? Walking, jogging, running, swimming, bicycling are just a few of them. Whatever medium you choose, regularly practicing it is key for it to positively impact your physical health.  Exercise can be done by oneself, with a group of friends, or using an online video or book for guidance.

If you are finding it difficult to begin exercising then you can take certain steps:

  • Start small by setting daily or weekly goals for yourself.
  • Try to establish a certain time in which you exercise every day.
  • Get some friends to exercise with you to increase your motivation