
Abuse includes any sort of violent behavior that causes distress to another human being. Abuse can be physical (beating, hitting), verbal (swearing, calling people names), emotional/mental (passive aggressive behavior) or sexual (harassment, rape).While all forms of abuse are harmful, sexual abuse is one of the worst forms since the victims often can’t speak out due to feelings of shame and guilt. Even though victims of abuse are usually children, anyone can be victim. The perpetrators are often close to victims and can include a parental figure, partner/spouse, teacher, sibling or someone else.

Abuse can be a source of significant distress for those affected. While the physical damage may heal, the accompanying emotional, mental and social problems may remain for many years. People who experience abuse are often overwhelmed by anger or sadness, find it difficult to concentrate on their daily tasks and often end up developing unhealthy relationships. If those affected are unable to deal with the abuse they have experienced, they can develop mental illness as well.

If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, then it is important to speak out and seek help. Keeping it inside won’t help you deal with it and may lead to even greater problems.