I was physically and sexually abused multiple times when between the time when I was 8 and 14.
I became mentally weak because of that.
Sometimes a person tries to get rid of the emptiness inside himself and because of that I developed some bad habits.
I was constantly ignoring a breakdown, I wasn’t accepting it.The universe is supposed to be balanced and if you will go in the wrong direction then same will happen to you, to bring you back.It’s not like I never earned anything or have never been at senior positions but during all this time I was constantly hurting myself
So last year I felt really sick, I was stressed out and that’s when I found out I have an addiction.
I was crying really hard and I was having a conversation with God. I said I am nothing, I am not even capable of helping myself.
That is when I got into a terrible accident and I don’t remember anything from that incident, because I used to black out due to immense stress.
There comes a time when a person gets tired of being the master of his own will and eventually realizes he will not get it his way. Eventually he/she has to bow down to the other’s will/way Last thing which is really important is discipline and routine.
And most importantly the happiness I get when I go out and help those who are going through the same journey that’s just priceless.
I don’t want you to waste those precious 30 years of the life that I wasted because consequences will be the same.
Today you have the time, make best use of it and trust me your life will really improve.
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