My husband was a drug addict- Saima Farooq

I am Saima. I am a blogger and a single parent.


I got married in 2011, I couldn’t find out initially, but in later years I found out my husband is a drug addict,and I always blamed his difficult past for the problems I faced, there was a lot of bitterness in his personality. We used to live in Saudia, and after coming back to Pakistan this increased a lot and in November 2018 I decided the place had become really toxic for my kids. I took a step and opted for separation.

Initially I had no support, my parents and siblings were not there to support me. 8 years is a long time so everybody suggested that I stay in my marriage, because I had already spent so many years with him,But despite that I went against everybody and took a big step and started living all by myself with my kids. When you have no one and you have young kids with you, you think of harming yourself. I used to think if I harm myself then my kids would be harmed too, because I couldn’t see any other avenues for support.

Two things helped me out Prayers and Patience. I never left them.After that my parents also supported me, and then I filed a case in the court for Khula and maintenance.

After my family my biggest support were my friends who themselves are single parents.People who had been on a similar journey provided me with immense support.My lawyer supported me a lot, he gave me the strength I needed.

A lot of people suggested me not to run away from my problems, and never suppress my emotions, and if I feel like crying then I should cry. I used to pretend I’m really strong, and break down inside. One issue was I couldn’t accept that I was drowning in depression but whatever was happening I gave it time, I gave time to myself, and now I just take the plunge.

Don’t shut yourself out from the world,you don’t have to share your story with everyone but the experience you’ll gain from it will help you in your journey.

If somebody needs me they can count on me, and in the end I would say just take the plunge, Allah will take care of everything.